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Find Your Place with Us



"Peace, Peace to him who is far off and to him who is near, Says the Lord, 'and I will heal him'."
Isaiah 57:19

Craft House is a nonprofit ministry that offers medical services to the medically uninsured. At Craft House you may receive the following services:

Examination and evaluation by a certified medical professional

Care for acute, non-emergent conditions and Patient Education

Basic medicines or prescriptions with low-cost sources

Labs are drawn on premises and taken to Medscreen, Inc.

Referral to local medical doctors and specialty services (OB-GYN, Dental and Mental Health)

Adovate for AHF (AIDS Healthcare Foundation) on site

        Hours of Operation: 

     8:30 a.m.-12:00 2nd Saturday of the month

         No appointment needed

        Closed Holidays



"I was hungry and you gave me something to eat; I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink." 
Matthew 25:35

At Alta Woods Ministry isn't confined to four walls, we believe in sharing in the needs of our community, whether you worship with us or not. The food pantry is open on Thursdays from 9:30am-11:30am. Please bring your photo ID and proof of residence (a piece of mail or a bill with your address) and we will be happy to serve you!


The Food Pantry is open on Thursdays form 9:30am till 11:00am or till out of food



Food for Body and Soul

For the last 14 years Alta Woods has been serving those less fortunate in our community. Each week our host of Church volunteers work diligently to provide transportation and food for the needy. Known as "Gravy & Grace", we gather the homeless of Jackson to provide White Sausage Gravy with Biscuits and a Worship Service. Following worship, the outreach team distributes hygiene kits, a pair of socks, and bananas, among other things to the needy. Truly a Ministry for the Body and Soul, Gravy & Grace takes the love of Christ and fellowship of the Church outside the four walls.

Closed due to Covid.

Faith Development Programs


Learning to Give Back

At Alta Woods United Methodist Church, we offer congregants of all ages a chance to participate by joining our wide range of ministries. Our Faith Development Programs allows current members or newcomers to be involved with our ongoing mission of spreading the love and teachings of Jesus Christ to our ever-growing community, and to give back by volunteering of their own time and efforts.



"I was a stranger and you took me in; I was naked and you clothed me".
Matthew 25:36

Since 2000, Alta Woods has provided the community with all the tools, wisdom, and resources they need to keep them grounded. One of those resources is our Thrift Store. The store exists to offer both congregants and members of the community alike, household and clothing resources that may not be otherwise available to them.


The Thrift Store is open on Thursdays  from 10am to 2pm

Ministries: Ministries

(601) 372-6016

©2020 Alta Woods United Methodist Church

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